Sun Jan 13 09:02:21 EST 2019 Slept from eleven-thirty to six. Woke briefly around three. Might take a nap later. High of thirty today, and mostly sunny. Goals: - Play with D&D river thing Done. - Grocery? Done. - Go to bed by ten-thirty Possibly solved a couple creative-process-type problems for myself. - Problem: with a lot of vague ideas for projects, how do I choose where to start? Solution: just pick one; there's no right answer. - Problem: none of my many vague ideas are developed enough to start working on them. Solution: the nature and scope of a project emerges (and often changes) _after_ work starts. Just start; the first part of the work is exploring the territory, and only plotting a path later. It's better to work on a non-ideal project than nothing. Watered plants, vacuumed, minor tidying. Watched The Bray Road Beast. Near Lake Geneva. A bear? "…Satan himself!" Doesn't Satan have better things to do than running around rural Wisconsin eating roadkill? Called mom, just to say hello. Hidden panels and pop-ups in hardcover book covers. Patrick Stuart talking to Gabor Lux. How do you make vanilla fantasy work? Do it with sincerity, and eschew retellings by going back to the roots. Thirty-minute walk in the afternoon. Faint half-moon in the blue sky. A little cold. Servings: grains 4/6, fruit 2/4, vegetables 4/4, dairy 1/2, meat 2/3, nuts 0/0.5 Breakfast: carrots, banana, coffee Lunch: pita with cheese, tomato, and olives; spinach; apple Dinner: cookies, hamburger, tomato 140/91