Sat Nov 24 09:55:12 EST 2018 Slept from eleven-thirty to seven-thirty. Woke briefly around four. Had a long, remarkably coherent dream about being part of a group fighting vampires in some sort of survival challenge. High of forty-seven today and rainy. Read a couple more chapters of the Woodward Trump book. > For his first Thanksgiving alone in 1985, Scott Macaulay was thinking that he would have to heat up a frozen turkey dinner and turn on a football game to stifle the silence in his apartment near Boston. > Then Macaulay, a divorced vacuum cleaner repairman, had an idea: What if he took out an ad in his hometown paper, the Melrose Free Press, and invited 12 strangers to join him for Thanksgiving dinner? It seemed like a manageable number to host at the First Baptist Church he attended — and, yeah, it was a little crazy, but it had to be better than being lonely. > “I knew that I couldn’t be the only one in this situation,” he said. “There had to be at least a dozen people out there who didn’t want to spend Thanksgiving Day alone.” > Actually, more. > Since those 12 strangers gathered around his table for turkey, stuffing and pumpkin pie 33 years ago, Macaulay has made his free feast an annual event, inviting anyone to make a reservation by calling his office phone number that’s printed in the paper. He does not own a cellphone or computer. Through the years, he has fed plenty of widows, widowers, homeless people and college kids who can’t make it home. A few years ago, one of his guests crawled under the table. All are welcome. Idea: skirmish wargame between cults of various Lovecraftian entities. Gang warfare, basically, with a smattering of tentacle monsters. Vacuumed, watered plants, washed dishes, tidied. Watched Julie & Julia on Netflix. While the Julie/blogger half of the movie is perfectly pleasant, it seems an odd artistic decision to stand it next to the excellence of Stanley Tucci and Meryl Streep as Paul and Julia Child. Puffy At Work -- Getting Code Right And Secure, The OpenBSD Way Breakfast: Thanksgiving left-overs Lunch: coffee, last of the pumpkin pie Dinner: turkey leg 144/89