Tue May 1 09:20:04 EDT 2018 Slept from eleven to six-thirty without waking. High today of eighty-two! Stopped at Starbucks on my way to work. Work: - Check terminal-terminal.gz file transfer Done. - Check Wolf backup Done. - Remove intranet document for Lori Done. - Check Zol backup Done. - Lunch with the gang at Bigalora Done. - Move Nostromoo to Zol Done. No time for a walk at lunch. Wow, nice. I don't realize `curl` can speak SMB. ``` curl -T $HOME/test.txt -u "mydomain\myuser:**************************************" \ smb://storage.mydomain.com/myfolder/ ``` Home: - Make notes about shrinking a qcow2 sparse file Done. - D&D thing? Not much. Fifteen-minute walk after work. Warm and breezy. Watched some Dexter on Netflix. Breakfast: cafe latte, sausage and egg sandwich Lunch: Brussels sprouts pizza, coffee Dinner: cheese