Tue Apr 17 09:40:12 EDT 2018 Slept from ten to seven. Woke briefly around five. High of forty today. Got enough snow overnight to blanket the ground. Work: - Order spare flash drives Done. - Spend a little more time on Asterisk deployment automation Done. https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/ It's not Red Hat-quality documentation, but they point to some interesting links. User smoser on the IRC #cloud-init channel helped me. He confirmed that the Debian OpenStack qcow2 image can indeed use NoCloud. I must be doing something wrong. He pointed me to https://gist.github.com/smoser/635897f845f7cb56c0a7ac3018a4f476 Yeah, I got it cloud-init nocloud working with the Debian OpenStack qcow2 image. Still not sure exactly what I did wrong, but using `cloud-localds` to create the cidata image fixed it. Bought coffee and gas and pho and an SSD at lunch. No time to walk. Home: - Order an SSD for home Done. Plugged in the new 1TB SSD, and installed a fresh copy of Debian. Restored much of my stuff, but I'll no doubt run across little thinks I forgot for the next few weeks. All in all, a productive day. Lunch: coffee, pho Dinner: steak sub, fries