Thu Mar 15 09:12:56 EDT 2018 Slept from eleven to seven-thirty without waking. Didn't even hear my alarm. High of thirty-five and partly sunny. Slight chance of snow. Work: - 10 AM manager meeting Done. - Work on MECS Done. Received the H2 Miyo today. Not sure about it. Pleasant, but maybe not the last word in transparency. Hmm. Or maybe it's showing up the sortcomings of the Senheisser HD 569, with which I haven't done much critical listening. The NAD HP50 seems to match the Miyo better. Actually, the Miyo may be very good. I'll give it some time.... As the reviews mentioned, it gets almost alarmingly hot by design. Added to `.zshrc`: alias vu='amixer -q set Master 2%+' alias vd='amixer -q set Master 2%-' alias vmute="amixer sset 'Master' mute" alias vunmute="amixer sset 'Master' unmute" Twenty-minute walk at lunch. Gray. Snow in the air. Not too cold. Home: - Clean kitchen and bathroom Done. How does identity work? Where is my key? Vacuumed, changed towels, put away laundry, cleaned the kitchen. Tested my backup. Breakfast: cafe latte, sausage and egg sandwich Lunch: Thai, coffee Dinner: steak sub, fries