Fri Jan 19 09:09:40 EST 2018 Slept from midnight to six-thirty. Partly sunny today, with a high of thirty-six! Work: - Give Rachel a hand on the Hazel Park FTP ticket Done. - Work on MECS A bit. Mom picked up my car in for maintenance today. Once she got it there, they told her it didn't need anything yet. Annoying. Ten-minute walk at lunch. Ate at Mr. Kabob with Heather and Loretta. --- falstaff ~ % touch ./lock --- falstaff ~ % flock --nonblock --exclusive --verbose ./lock vi Why does `lslocks` not show some file names? The missing names seem to correspond to locks without sizes (i.e., not 0B but blank size values). Home: - Write a Go IP address calculator? Eh. `ipcalc` mostly does what I want. Ten-minute walk after I got home. Huh. On my home machine and a couple other boxes, `lslocks` seems to find all the file names. There are no locks with blank sizes, although a few have a size of 0B. What's wrong with falstaff? Breakfast: cafe latte, sausage and egg sandwich Lunch: falafel bowl, coffee Dinner: turkey sandwich, chips