Sun Dec 24 09:46:33 EST 2017 Slept from midnight to nine. Woke briefly around seven. High of twenty-six. Up to two inches of snow today, and two more possible overnight. Looks like we'll have a white Christmas. Goals: - Wrap presents Done. - Christmas eve at mom's Done. Good. Vacuumed, watered plants, tidied. Had a rather pleasant morning wrapping gifts, listening to Christmas music, drinking coffee, and watching the snow fall. Hey, Monk's on Amazon Prime! I watched a couple of episodes. Walked to the market to buy eggnog and cinnamon rolls. Still snowing, with about an inch of new accumulation. The roads are bad, and people are driving too fast. Lunch: coffee, left-over pizza, carrots, spinach Dinner: Mexican lasagna, a glass of Baileys Irish Cream