Sat Oct 7 12:03:09 EDT 2017 Slept from two to eleven. Woke up for a short time around seven. Partly sunny, breezy, and a high of eighty-three today. Goals: - Clean apartment Done. Vacuumed, watered plants, cleaned kitchen, cleaned bathroom, changed sheets and towels, etc. - Finish assembling Warhammer 40K miniatures No. - Play Nintendo Done. - Go stuff Done. - Laundry? No. - Go to bed not super-late 12:30 Scheduled a game of Cthulhu with Ed tomorrow. 'Tis the season. I don't know why I decided to do this, but I made notes on screenplay formatting: Nice weather this evening. A brewing storm, but not yet raining. Strong, temperate, refreshing wind. Lunch: coffee, lasagna, carrots Dinner: nachos