Mon Aug 21 09:23:00 EDT 2017 Slept from ten to seven. High of eighty-six today. Chance of thunderstorms. I hope the sky is clear enough to see the eclipse this afternoon. Work: - 3 PM meeting Done. - Check out tcptraceroute Done. Great eclipse! We had a clear-enough sky for viewing. Gold crescent in a black void. I distributed the glasses I ordered weeks ago to my coworkers. Everybody had fun. Jim brought a colander, so we did the camera obscura thing too. Twenty-minute walk. Home: - Watch the ecplipse at 2:25 PM Done. - Work on Go static site generator Done. Should I increase the number of coins per encumbrance level in Danger Jaunt (currently 250) to follow B/X (400)? Today was pretty good. Lunch: coffee, peanut butter and jelly Dinner: Italian sub, fries