Fri Aug 4 08:43:46 EDT 2017 A cool and rainy night. I slept with my windows open, and slept well. High of seventy-three today. 50% chance of thunderstorms. Work: - Review invoices Done. - Email my new death pool choice Done. Rex Tillerson. - Move Hines Park to cable modem Done. - Check out No. - What's up with the Nginx 502 for HZ? Done. - Work on lockbox container Not much. - Look at IRS stuff for Hazel Park Done. Thirty-minute walk at lunch. Breezy. Not too hot. Saw a bunch of dragonflies, a bunch of blackish grasshoppers, a couple of pigeons, a turkey vulture, and a seagull. Home: - Follow-up with Scott and Lori about D&D on Sunday Done. - Grocery shopping (deodorant, trash bags, frozen food, D&D snacks) Done. Vacuumed, watered plants, tidied. Lunch: jalapeno cheeseburger, peanut butter milkshake Dinner: frozen pizza