Wed Aug 2 09:04:25 EDT 2017 Slept from ten-thirty to seven-thirty. Woke briefly around Work: - Order a spool on network cable Done. - Review invoices Done. - Choose new death pool person Maybe Steve Mnuchin? - Call Rachel at HZ at 3 PM Done. - Meet with Julie about deposit accounting at 3:30 PM Done. Mom dropped by work to bring me some home-grown tomatoes. Twenty-five-minute walk at lunch. Saw a little white butterfly and a morning dove. Hot. Home: - Play with some D&D thing Eh, read a big chunk of Jeff Rients' Brookmother Skyfortress. Power was out when I got home, and didn't come back on until eleven. I read for a while, then went to bed early. Lunch: coffee, tomatoes, peanut butter and jelly, an apple Dinner: gyro, Greek salad