Wed May 10 07:13:26 EDT 2017 Slept from ten-thirty to five-thirty. Woke briefly around two-thirty. Partly sunny today. High of sixty-four. Work: - Work on journalctl notes Done. - Give Julie the new Bullseye contract for review Done. Ten minute walk at lunch before eating. Warmer than expected. Saw a trio of turkey vultures. Started configuring the new hypervisor, tiger, in the afternoon. Home: - Work on Faux Bat No. Stopped on my way home to buy gas and a few groceries. Twenty minute walk after work. The Canada goose and chicks aren't on top of the car ports anymore; they must have taken the plunge. It would be mildly pianfull to unlearn some habits, but I wonder if I should: - change my window manager mod key to Super/Win - change my readline mode from emacs to vi - change my shell from zsh back to bash $ sed -i 's/^set $mod Mod1/set $mod Mod4/' ~/.config/i3/config $ sed -i 's/^set -o emacs/set -o vi/' ~/.bashrc $ chsh -s /bin/bash $ sed -i 's/default-shell \/bin\/zsh/default-shell \/bin\/bash/' ~/.tmux.conf Done at work. OK so far, but I wish I had two Super keys on my keyboard. $ cat /usr/share/X11/xkb/rules/xorg.lst | grep 'PrtSc' | grep 'Win' altwin:prtsc_rwin Win is mapped to PrtSc (and the usual Win key) $ setxkbmap -option altwin:prtsc_rwin I sort of miss M-. from emacs mode. `$_` or . I don't like that bash won't cycle through completion options on repeated presses of Tab (e.g. `cd /var/lo...`)... $ bind "TAB:menu-complete" ; bind "set show-all-if-ambiguous on" ...which I already had in my .bashrc, but getting clobbered by a later setting. I'd like a visual indication of whether readline is in insert mode. In `~/.inputrc`: set show-mode-in-prompt on set vi-ins-mode-string " + " set vi-cmd-mode-string " " As much of a vim guy as I am, I seem to prefer emacs mode for command line editing. Maybe I leave my shell edit mode emacs, and just use `fc` when I need more. I always forget about `fc`. Conclusions: - I think I'll get used to the Super/Win key for my window manager shortcuts, and using it prevents lots of conflicts with Alt- keybindings. - Add `setxkbmap -option altwin:prtsc_rwin` to `.xsession`. - If I stick with Super for my window manager Mod key, I need to de-Meta by tmux window shortcuts (i.e. "F3" instead of "M-F3"). - Leave readline in emacs mode, but remember to use `fc` or Ctl-x-e for complex edits. - Bash is tolerable but zsh might be _just_ enough better to justify itself (and I reached roughly the same conclusion last time). Breakfast: carrots, almonds, tomato, coffee Lunch: Thai Dinner: chunky peanut butter, cabbage, soy sauce, garlic powder, and sriracha sandwich (surprisingly good)