Tue May 2 07:50:39 EDT 2017 Slept from ten-thirty to six-thirty. High of fifty-two today. Showers, breezy. Work: - Reschedule disaster plan review Done. - Order (or at least re-quote) new hypervisor build Done. Scott called in today. Fifteen minute walk at lunch. Menacing clouds, but no rain. Saw a bunch of robins and a pair of ducks. Home: - Work on some Golang stuff Done. https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=14244586 Not parent, but I use Neovim and Ranger [1] filemanager and I have a shortcut to open Ranger in a split or full window from which I can browse and open a file. You can do this only because Neovim has a built-in terminal. This may end up replacing vinegar [2] as my in-VIM filemanager. [1] https://github.com/ranger/ranger [2] https://github.com/tpope/vim-vinegar I could probably just use `:Explore` more. Also, vim tabs? Easiest way to cook chicken? Poaching? How to poach chicken breasts: 1. Arrange boneless, skinless chicken breasts on bottom of pot in a single layer. 2. Scatter salt, garlic, or other aromatics (herbs, spices, vegetables, lemon slices) over the top if desired. 3. Add enough liquid (water, or also some wine or vinegar) to cover the chicken plus one inch. 4. Cook on stove over medium heat. 6. When liquid reaches a boil, cover pot and reduce heat to low/simmer. 7. Cook an additional eight to fourteen minutes. Breakfast: carrots, spinach, almonds, coffee Lunch: nuts Dinner: