Sat Jan 14 08:34:42 EST 2017 Slept from ten to seven. Mostly cloudy today. High of thirty-two. Goals: - Clean apartment Done. Vacuumed, dusted, wiped down dining table, tidied, watered plants, Drain-o'd tub and sink, cleaned kitchen and bathroom counters, cleaned the toilet, and put away laundry. - Work on Danger Jaunt (Wandering monster list maker has missing items) Done. Did quite a bit of polishing language and tweaking rules. This is fucked. > However—and this is especially troubling—“if analysts stumble across evidence that an American has committed any crime, they will send it to the Justice Department,” the Times wrote. So information that was collected without a warrant—or indeed any involvement by a court at all—for foreign intelligence purposes with little to no privacy protections, can be accessed raw and unfiltered by domestic law enforcement agencies to prosecute Americans with no involvement in threats to national security. Fifteen minute walk in the late afternoon. Uneventful. Breakfast: coffee, chicken pot pie Lunch: spinach, carrots Dinner: Jimmy Johns