Mon Dec 12 09:10:24 EST 2016 Slept from 10:30 to 6:30 without waking. Mostly cloudy today. High of thirty-four. We got a couple more inches of snow overnight, amounting to something like seven inches overall. Had time to stop at Starbucks on my way into work. The roads were wet but not icy. Saw a red-tailed hawk fly overhead. Work: - Work on maintenance call watchdog (almost done) Some, but we got busy with other stuff. Fifteen minute walk at lunch. Cloudy and wet, but not too cold. Home: - Work on D&D stuff Done. - Dinner with Kate, Yvonne, Isla Postponed until Wednesday at six. On my work machine (i7-6700), a `pdflatex odd-letter` takes 17.05s or 16.23s. I wonder how much slower it runs on my home machine (i7-3770K)? 16.92s and 16.98s on my home machine. Washed dishes, wiped down the kitchen counter, tidied a bit. --- blinky 9:23PM ~ % sudo tcpdump -lvv -i wlan0 host and port 53 | grep Refused Ah. Damn Playstation Network is down again. I need a better way to watch Netflix. Breakfast: cafe latte, sausage and egg sandwich Lunch: nuts Dinner: steak sandwich