Sun Oct 9 07:49:13 EDT 2016 Slept from around eleven to seven. Woke once in the night, briefly. High of fifty-nine. Increasing clouds. Watched the sun come up. Fired up my furnace this morning. First time this fall. Goals: - Think about a workflow, publishing for sketch-a-day Done. #!/bin/sh f=$(date +%Y%m%d) scanimage --format=pnm --mode Gray --resolution 300 -x 214 -y 278> /tmp/${f}.pnm convert /tmp/${f}.pnm -quality 30 +repage /tmp/${f}.jpg scp /tmp/${f}.jpg - Laundry Done. - Dinner with Yvonne, Kate, Isla, Ryan(?), six o'clock at Crispelli's Done. Crispelli's was good. Fantastic chorizo and shrimp pizza. - Work on D&D mini rules No. Twenty-five minute walk in the afternoon. Partly sunny. A little warmer than yesterday. Breakfast: carrots, coffee with half-and-half Lunch: spinach, chicken pot pie Dinner: pizza