Fri Jun 10 07:54:35 EDT 2016 Slept from about 10:30 to seven. Woke once, around five. Party sunny. High of eighty. Goals: Work: - Check scheduling for Monday Done. Jamie is trying to find a new meeting time. - Work on mail submission A bit. - Double-check ssn data purging job Done. It's good. I did add to the job to clear some additional data, like vendor tax ID's. - Review invoices Done. Got Thai food for lunch (N6 curry noodles), and went for a fifteen minute walk after eating. Saw a black and blue dragonfly and a pair of goldfinches. Thought I might have hear a cicada singing. Took a twenty minute walk after I got home from work. It's still hot out. Saw a white butterfly and an organgish-brown butterfly; they could have been moths. Heard a morning dove. Home: - Clean bathroom and kitchen Wiped down the kitchen counter and bathroom counter, and few other things. Still need to clean the toilet and mop the floors. Tomorrow. - D&D stuff A bit of B/X combat research.