Wed May 11 07:40:32 EDT 2016 Slept from ten-something to around seven. Woke up briefly around 2:30. High of sixty-nine. Chance of showers before one o'clock. Goal: Work: - Meeting with yet another new lawyer Done. Not too bad. - Price out new IT workstations Done. Haven't pulled the trigger yet. Looks like these were last upgraded in 2009 (PO 111262) for $1200 each from Dell. Proposed new self-builds from Newegg. i7, 32G RAM, 500G SSD for $870. - Close office for Loretta - Update pfSense Done. Squid is broken, and they removed the Filer package. I'll deal with that tomorrow. Twenty minute walk at lunch. It didn't rain on me. Home: - Read for pleasure - Get cardboard box out of car trunk Done. - Look at existing static site generators Done. - Jekyll? - Statis looks nice and simple, but it hasn't been updated in a long time - Meh. I'll just make my own thing, I guess. Call if "spiff". ## Spiff ## - Follow the existing site structure. - Only worry about one project/directory at a time. Don't aim for a one-size-fits-all solution. % mkdir -p ~/repo/ % scp* ~/repo/ % mkdir ~/repo/ % mkdir ~/repo/ % mkdir ~/repo/ % mkdir ~/repo/ % mkdir ~/repo/ % mkdir ~/repo/ % mkdir ~/repo/ % cat << 'EOF' > ~/repo/ #!/usr/bin/env ruby puts "spiff" EOF % chmod a+x ~/repo/ % tree ~/repo/ /home/paulgorman/repo/ ├── cache ├── css ├── js ├── output ├── spiff.rb └── templates 5 directories, 1 file