Tue Dec 8 07:34:10 EST 2015 Went to bed at 10:30, slept well, and woke up at 6:30. Rain and fog today, with a high of forty-three. The annoying thing about the FreeBSD install is that I'm not sure what the "GPT + Lenovo Fix" partition scheme is actually doing. Since I'm not sure what it's doing, I can't recreate it manually. The problem here is that I'd like to make a slightly smaller root zfs partition, but the AUTO installer option doesn't let me. Hm. This explains the Lenovo fix a bit: https://lists.freebsd.org/pipermail/freebsd-i386/2013-March/010437.html That does not sound fun. Hmm. See /var/log/bsdinstall_log. This logs pretty much everything the installer does. It probably gives enough information that I can do this by hand. Also: http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/147939/freebsd-10-with-root-on-zfs-using-only-a-part-of-the-disk [Later...] Further reading leads me to believe that mirroring the ZIL may not be as important as I thought. For most writes (i.e. asynchronous writes), the ZIL will never be touched. The ZIL only gets written for synchronous writes (e.g. a database or vm wants the write confirmed on disk immediately). For synchronous writes, zfs writes to the ZIL; however, it keeps the data in memory and writes to the pool from there. The ZIL only gets used if an exception prevents zfs from getting the writes from RAM (e.g. a power outage). For my personal use, the odds that an exception will occur _and_ that the single SSD with the ZIL will fail in the same incident is low enough that it's not worthwhile to mirror it. I'll destroy the L2ARC, and put the ZIL and L2ARC on the same non-mirrored SSD. I may still comb through /var/log/bsdinstall_log to satisfy my curiosity about what the installer does, and how I could manually duplicate it. Goals: Work: - Email Mike and Jason at Hazel Park about SEMIBUG meeting on the 15th Done. - Install ssl cert on new firefly vm Done. - Configure apache on new firefly vm Working on it. - Fix squidGuard Done. Thirty-five minute walk at lunch. A white-gray sky. Birds are laying low, except for a lone seagull. Not too cold. The willows are finally dropping their leaves. Home: - Set up sshfs mount to blinky on work workstation (and set permission) Done. - Destroy the L2ARC partition on blinky, and put the ZIL and L2ARC on the same drive Done. # zpool remove data ada0p1 # gpart delete -i 1 ada0 # gpart add -a 4k -s 100G -t freebsd-zfs -l L2ARC ada0 # gpart add -a 4k -s 8G -t freebsd-zfs -l ZIL ada0 # zpool add data cache /dev/ada0p1 # zpool add data log /dev/ada0p2 - Figure out backups for blinky Since I'm going to export the data to my workstation by nfs anyhow, I'll just add the nfs share to the backup sets for my on-site (external drive) and off-site (Crashplan). - Find a redshift-like app for iPad http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-3262634/Want-good-night-s-sleep-Change-phone-s-blue-light-RED-Apps-claim-able-improve-rest.html Questions: - What's the FreeBSD equivalent of linux 'watch'. FreeBSD 'watch' is different. 'gnu-watch' is in the ports collection. Alternately, in zsh, just use a while loop: % while; do foo; sleep 2; done - How do I stop urxvt from doing that Insert Picture thing? Added to .Xdefaults: ! Tame insert picture mode on Ctrl-Shift: URxvt.iso14755: true URxvt.iso14755_52: false - What the fuck, systemd? journalctl doesn't wrap lines, and the default pager is painful. export SYSTEMD_PAGER="view -"