Sun Sep 6 07:19:28 EDT 2015 Went to bed around 10:30, slept well, and woke up around seven. High near ninety and mostly sunny. Goals: - Run to the grocery before 10AM, before it really starts to heat up. Done. - Work on Pope's Iliad typeset Finished formatting chapter titles Worked on D&D 5e character sheet for new players. Questions: - Ugly font substitutions on Linux again, especially for Helvetica in Firefox; why?! In this case: TeXGyreHeros is being substituted for Helvetica. It's not a terrible font, but its weight doesn't scale well. --- bava 2924 ~ % fc-match Helvetica texgyreheros-regular.otf: "TeX Gyre Heros" "Regular" Fixed in /etc/fonts/conf.d/30-metric-aliases.conf