Wed Jul 15 05:59:54 EDT 2015 Went to bed last night at eleven. Woke up this morning a little after five, and decided not to go back to sleep. Got a walk in at lunch. It's a pretty nice day, cooler than it has been. I met Mr. H's grandson this morning. Nice, smart kid, if a little naive. Goals: Work: - Find average close times for work orders Done. - Get to work early Done. - Review marketing contract Done. Home: - Work on static blog generator A little. - Work on Traveller ship generator A little. I remembered to add the nfs volume on my Pi 2 to the fstab on my home machine: pi:/ssd /pi nfs noatime,nodiratime 0 2 I've had little luck tunneling nfs over ssh so far, unfortunately. Still need to set my printer up to connect to the new wireless access point.