Tue Feb 24 09:16:18 EST 2015 Pftt. I nearly took a day off today for no particular reason. Goals: Work: - Get started with server room refit Done. - Work on systemd notes Done. More and more often, I'm disappointed by the judgment of the pfSense project, and think we should just be running stock FreeBSD (or OpenBSD). Home: - Work on script to pick a random subject for D&D drawing Done. - Buy gas, groceries Done. Questions: - How do I draw more loosely? Set a time limit to finish. Decide what I'm drawing before putting pencil to paper. Draw with longer strokes. Make a pre-drawing thumbnail that lays out the big shapes, composition. Try drawing while standing up. Try to draw upside down. Try to draw with non-dominate hand. Try drawing something several time, each time removing unnecessary lines/elements.